Table of Contents
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6
Issue I
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6
Issue 1
Title | Page | Link |
Visit of T. G. Masaryk in the premises of the Institute Editor |
1 | |
Automation of the solution of the storage function of the water management system Menšík, P., Starý, M., Marton, D. |
2 | |
Development of software tools Crosolver and Crosolver for ArcGIS for preparation of computer line of hydrodynamic models Roub, R., Urban, F., Havlíček, V., Novák, P., Hejduk, T., Bureš, L., Reil, A. |
5 | |
Selected illicit drugs in wastewater Očenášková, V., Pospíchalová, D., Svobodová, A., Kolářová, P., Tušil, P. |
13 |
Issue 2
Title | Page | Link |
Example of possible use of tracking experiment results Šajer, J. |
1 | |
Changes in the ecosystem of the stabilization tank of a rural treatment plant after the application of a biotechnological preparation (2) Havel, L., Desortová, B. |
7 |
Issue 3
Title | Page | Link |
Permitted versus real abstractions of surface water in the Czech Republic ─ Data analysis and institutional context Slavíková, L., Petružela, L. |
1 | |
Sorption of artificial radionuclides on bottom river sediments and its dependence on sediment properties Juranová, E., Hanslík, E., Novák, M., Komárek, M. |
3 | |
Factory chimneys with a reservoir in Prague and Ostrava Vonka, M., Kořínek, R. |
6 |
Issue 4-5
Issue 6
Issue 1
Title | Page | Link |
Looking back on 2013 Rieder, M. |
1 | |
Procedures for assessing the significance of sources and routes of emissions of pollutants into water Vyskoč, P., Prchalová, H., Mičaník, T., Rosendorf, P., Kristová, A., Svobodová, J. |
2 | |
Approach to the evaluation of cultural monuments in terms of natural and anthropogenic threats Ošlejšková, J., Forejtníková, M., Pavlík, F. |
7 | |
Hydraulic research of the winter regime of the Děčín fairway Bouška, P., Gabriel, P., Motl, O., Šepeľák, J. |
11 | |
Water and sewage ─ reasons and possibilities to extend the rules of pricing Petružela, L., Slavíková, L. |
16 | |
Significant anniversary of Ing. Ivan Nesměrák Colleagues of TGM WRI |
19 | |
Construction of the premises of today’s TGM WRI Editor |
20 |
Issue 2
Title | Page | Link |
Development of spring yield in Czech-Saxon Switzerland Eckhardt, P., Poláková, K. |
1 | |
Project Flood Education and Research Center Štěpánková, P. |
4 | |
Determination of the distribution coefficient for the sorption of artificial radionuclides in the aquatic environment Juranová, E., Hanslík, E. |
5 | |
Assimilable organic carbon in drinking water production and distribution systems Baudišová, D., Váňa, M., Boháčková, Z., Jedličková, Z., Benáková, A. |
8 | |
Changes in the ecosystem of the stabilization tank of a rural treatment plant after application biotechnologického přípravku Havel, L., Desortová, B. |
11 | |
95 years: 1919─2014 Editor |
16 | |
Working anniversary of Ing. E. Hanslík, CSc. Collaborators of TGM WRI |
20 |
Issue 3
Title | Page | Link |
Intercalibration proces of assessment methods for biological quality elements of ecological status in surface waters: macro-invertevrates and phytobenthos Maciak, M., Opatřilová, L. |
1 | |
Determination of the recommended value of the roughness coefficient Smelík, L., Uhmannová, H. |
9 | |
Estimation of entry time Šajer, J. |
12 | |
Possibilities of sludge management from wastewater treatment plants and relevant legislation Beránková, M., Jelínková, V., Vološinová, D. |
15 |
Issue 4
Title | Page | Link |
Estimation of age and groundwater mixing in the Hřensko–Křinice/Kirnitzsch area. Summary of the results of the GRACE project for 2012 and 2013 Šimek, P. |
1 | |
Rivers as a recipient of wastewater ─ development of the dry situation Fuksa, J. K. |
7 |
Issue 5
Title | Page | Link |
Update of the estimate of hydrological impacts of climate change in the river basins of the Czech Republic Hanel, M., Horáček, S., Daňhelka, J., Tomek, M., Hánová, K., Vizina, A.,Ledvinka, O., Treml, P., Melišová, E. |
1 | |
Calculation of the size of groundwater subsidy with the help of hydrological modeling on selected hydrogeological regions of the Czech Republic Beran, A., Hanel, M., Poláková, M. |
4 | |
Sensitivity analysis of changes in the volume of direct runoff and infiltration into the soil in the event of potential changes in land use Kašpárek, L., Peláková, M. |
8 | |
Estimation of basic runoff in as yet unobserved river basins Trávníčková, A., Kožín, R. |
12 |
Issue 6
Title | Page | Link |
Classification of the accuracy of the delimitation of existing floodplains in the Czech Republic Nováková, H., Makovcová, M., Uhlířová, K., Levitus, V., Valenta, P., Valentová, J. |
1 | |
Drought propagation analysis using weather generators Vizina, A., Hanel, M., Melišová, E. |
5 | |
Possibilities of intensification of biological reservoirs intended for wastewater treatment and final treatment Mlejnská, E., Rozkošný, M. |
12 | |
Content of Journal VTEI – Year 2014 Editor |
20 |
Issue 1
Title | Page | Link |
Influence of discharged treated wastewater from root treatment plants on the recipient Váňa, M., Mlejnská, E., Havel, L. |
1 | |
Methods for determination of Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci in bathing waters Baudišová, D. |
5 | |
Final treatment of effluents from root wastewater treatment plants with stabilization tanks Rozkošný, M., Sedláček, P. |
7 | |
Modeling of wastewater temperature at the inflow to the wastewater treatment plant Nesměrák, I. |
13 |
Issue 2
Title | Page | Link |
Automation of the process of flood risk expression in the GIS environment Chlubna, L., Konvit, I. |
1 | |
Use of the QueChERS method in the preparation of samples of flocs and sediments for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Svobodová, A., Sudová, P. |
5 | |
Research of theoretical flood waves for the Skalka waterworks with a long average repetition time Blažková, Š. |
9 |
Issue 3
Title | Page | Link |
Evaluation of changes in hydrological balance in simulations of land surface models Kříž, P., Hanel, M. |
1 | |
Monitoring and planning in times of water scarcity and drought from the perspective of the European Union Treml, P. |
6 | |
Proposal of a procedure for determining the minimum residual flow Mrkvičková, M., Balvín, P. |
12 | |
Influence of physical-geographical characteristics on the size of the flood in August 2002 Kašpárek, L., Peláková, M. |
17 |
Issue 4
Title | Page | Link |
Optimization of BILAN model parameters by SCDE method Máca, P., Vizina, A., Horáček, S. |
1 | |
Derivation of regression relations for the calculation of evaporation from the free surface and identification of trends in the development of measured quantities in the Hlasivo evaporometer station Beran, A., Vizina, A. |
4 | |
Response to the article Influence of physical-geographical characteristics on the size of the flood in August 2002 by L. Kašpárek and M. Peláková Daňhelka, J. |
9 | |
Electromagnetic (inductive) speedometers and ISO 3455:2007 Mattas, D., Ramešová, L. |
10 | |
Restoration of water regime on dumps Cejpek, J., Frouz, J. |
11 | |
Publications in the field of hydrology published by TGM WRI in the last period Editor |
11 |
Issue 5
Title | Page | Link |
Evaluation of in-situ application of bacterial-enzymatic preparation to of trenched root treatment plants Mlejnská, E. |
1 | |
Documentation, passportization and proposals for new use of factory chimneys with reservoirs Vonka, M., Kořínek, R. |
4 | |
Modeling of the amount of wastewater at the inflow to the wastewater treatment plant Nesměrák, I. |
8 | |
International cooperation in research Editor |
12 |
Issue 6
Title | Page | Link |
What to do next when assessing the load from water pollution sources Juráň, S. |
1 | |
Wastewater contamination Escherichia coli O157 Mlejnková, H., Kalendová, L., Konečná, J., Baudišová, D. |
3 | |
Experience with wastewater seepage at the Řevničov locality Rozman, D., Hrkal, Z., Eckhardt, P., Novotná, E., Vencelides, Z. |
6 | |
Monitoring the function of rural and domestic treatment plants using biotechnological products Beránková, M., Valdmanová, J., Šťastný, V., Taufer, O., Marek, V. |
10 | |
Security research at TGM WRI Editor |
14 | |
New publications of TGM WRI Editor |
15 | |
Content of Journal VTEI – Year 2013 Editor |
16 |
Issue 1
Title | Page | Link |
Five years of operation of the Research Institute of Water Management as a public research institution Rieder, M. |
1 | |
Identification and evaluation of objects and equipment with sources of contamination risks aquatic environment by hazardous chemicals during floods Danihelka, P., Kerberová, M., Chlubna, L. |
2 | |
Economic instruments to support the adaptation of water management in the Czech Republic to climate change Slavíková, L., Petružela, L., Jílková, J. |
5 | |
Studies of the occurrence and behavior of radioactive substances in river basins after the end of uranium ore mining Juranová, E., Marešová, D., Hanslík, E. |
7 | |
Possibilities of using low-cost semipermeable membranes for monitoring pesticides and other organic micropollutants in water Pavonič, M., Pospíšil, Z. |
10 | |
Influence of increased flows on changes of microbial contamination of water Baudišová, D., Benáková, A., Hlaváček, J. |
13 | |
Compulsory syllabus of the statement of a person with professional competence to discharge wastewater through soil layers into groundwater Poláková, K., Eckhardt, P. |
16 | |
Seminars at TGM WRI, p.r.i. Editor |
20 |
Issue 2
Title | Page | Link |
Use of aerial laser scanning data for revision of data sets of switchboards and watercourses Uhlířová, K., Nováková, H. |
1 | |
Experience in monitoring the water quality of small streams using algae and cyanobacteria growing on substrates Heteša, J., Marvan, P., Forejtníková, M. |
4 | |
Use of a mathematical model for hydrotechnical assessment of watercourses in the cadastral area of the village Mochtín Kurková, M., Roub, R., Smolík, J. |
9 | |
Analysis of the record of leakage of toxic substances into the river Odra Šajer, J. |
12 | |
Comparison of methods for sampling macrozoobenthos from non-wading streams Janovská, H., Pařil, P., Řezníčková, P. |
15 |
Issue 3
Title | Page | Link |
Design of a system for evaluating the transboundary transmission of the effects of an accident on watercourses Martínková, M., Danihelka, P. |
1 | |
Identification of thermophilic bacteria of the genus Campylobacter isolated from wastewater by the polymerase chain reaction method Vondráková, L., Baudišová, D., Purkrtová, S. |
4 | |
Influence of water and sediment quality in the Nedvědička river basin by mining and processing of uranium ores Hudcová, H., Badurová, J., Rozkošný, M., Funková, R., Svobodová, J., Sova, J. |
5 | |
Drugs in the waters: pollution we are not prepared for Fuksa, J. K. |
10 |
Issue 4
Title | Page | Link |
Use of geographic information systems and spatial planning documentation in flood risk modeling Pavlíčková, L., Novák, P., Roub, R., Hejduk, T. |
1 | |
Relevance of the use of daily temperature and precipitation data to test the impact of climatic factors on household drinking water consumption Malý, V., Slavíková, L., Rost, M., Petružela, L., Vojáček, O., Kavan, J. |
6 | |
Monitoring the transport of aluminum, iron and manganese in contaminated soil after the application of phytoremediation measures Trakal, L. |
8 | |
New findings from the calibration of atypical gauges and the influence of water temperature during calibration in the Czech calibration station of water meter propellers Mattas, D., Ramešová, L. |
11 |
Issue 5
Title | Page | Link |
Long-term development of phytoplankton biomass in streams monitored as part of monitoring the impact of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant on the aquatic ecosystem Desortová, B., Hanslík, E. |
1 | |
Modeling of a flow wave from a glacial lake – Lake 513, Cordillera Blanca, Peru Benešová, M., Bouška, P., Klimeš, J., Vilímek, V. |
4 | |
Probabilistic evaluation of wastewater treatment plant operation Nesměrák, I. |
7 | |
Research into the possibilities of using waste as a raw material and energy source Kořínek, R., Valeš, J. |
9 | |
Upcoming seminar in TGM WRI Editor |
12 |
Issue 6
Title | Page | Link |
The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and its impact on the environment Juranová, E., Hanslík, E. |
1 | |
Research of nautical conditions on the hydraulic model of the Děčín fairway Bouška, P., Gabriel, P., Motl, O., Šerpeľák, J. |
4 | |
Is fire water a potential threat to the environment? Danihelka, P., Soldán, P. |
8 | |
Occurrence of selected substances not subject to regular monitoring in the hydrosphere of the Czech Republic Očenášková, V., Chrastina, D., Medek, P., Jursíková, K., Jobánek, R., Martinková, P. |
13 | |
Content of Journal VTEI – Year 2012 Editor |
16 |
Issue 1
Title | Page | Link |
Identification of anthropogenic pressures on the qualitative status of waters and aquatic ecosystems in the areas of the Morava and Dyje river basins Šunka, Z. |
1 | |
Identification of anthropogenic pressures on the quality of water resources Šunka, Z., Štamberová, M., Ošlejšková, J., Dzuráková, M., Novák, J., Mikulková, D., Oppeltová, P., Hlavinková, P. |
1 | |
Identification of significant anthropogenic influences from areas of industrial activity Karberová, M., Soldán, P. |
4 | |
Monitoring the load of significant watercourses in the Morava and Dyje river basins nebezpečnými látkami Hudcová, H., Bernardová, I. |
8 | |
The issue of nutrient supply to recreationally used surface waters Forejtníková, M., Beránková, D., Brtníková, H. |
12 | |
Characterization of faecal contamination and hygienic risks associated with the discharge of wastewater from municipal wastewater treatment plants into streams Mlejnková, H., Slezáková, K., Petránová, A. |
16 | |
Influence of ponds and small reservoirs on aquatic ecosystems of recipients of South Moravia Rozkošný, M., Adámek, Z., Heteša, J., Všetičková, L., Marvan, P., Sedláček, P. |
18 | |
Design of procedures for determining the effectiveness of biotechnical anti-erosion measures Štěpánková, P., Chlubna, L., Drbal, K., Sobotková, V., Dumbrovský, M. |
22 |
Issue 2
Title | Page | Link |
Nutrients, phytoplankton and zooplankton in the central part of the Czech section of the Elbe: status in the period 1996–1999 and 2006–2009 Desortová, B., Havel, L., Šťastný, J. |
1 | |
Accumulation of metals and metalloids in sediments and selected macrophytes of the Bílina watercourse Lochovský, P., Havel, L. |
5 | |
Adaptation measures to mitigate the impacts of current climate change on the Rakovnický stream basin Kašpárek, L., Hanel, M., Máca, P., Pavlásek, J., Pech, P. |
8 | |
Evaluation of procedures for increasing the efficiency of detection of low numbers of bacteria in water samples by the polymerase chain reaction method Mlejnková, H., Lytková, M. |
11 | |
Discharged pollution into surface waters ─ methods of its detection and reporting according to valid legal regulations and statistical programs Kult, A. |
14 | |
Analysis of factors and links influencing the state and outlook of resources and needs of water use in the catchment area of interest Ohře Petružela, L., Dlabal, J. |
19 | |
Shore stabilizing reinforced carpet Šlezingr, M. |
22 |
Issue 3
Title | Page | Link |
Identification of anthropogenic pressures in the Czech part of the international area of the Odra river basin ─ summary of results from the solution of the R&D project Soldán, P., Tušil, P. |
1 | |
Ecotoxicological assessment of the level of aquatic pollution in the Odra river basin Soldán, P., Badurová, J. |
9 | |
Occurrence of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals in river sediments in the Czech part of the international area of the Odra river basin Tušil, P., Halířová, J. |
13 | |
Microbial pollution of discharged wastewater from urban treatment plants Badurová, J. |
17 | |
The first evaluation of surface water quality in terms of compliance with environmental quality standards for priority substances and some other pollutants according to the amended Government Regulation No. 62/2003 Coll. Mičaník, T., Vyskoč, P., Richter, P., Filippi, R. |
20 | |
Optimization of the method for group determination of phenols by liquid chromatography HPLC in water and sediments Truxová, I., Chrastina, D. |
23 | |
Chlorpyrifos in potentially hazardous surface water bodies Šajer, J., Sezimová, H., Truxová, I. |
26 | |
Study of sorption kinetics of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, cadmium and mercury on selected types of solid matrices and river sediment Mičaník, T., Sýkora, F., Truxová, I., Chrastina, D., Kadlčíková, M., Cséri, L. |
29 |
Issue 4
Title | Page | Link |
Determination of minimum residual flows Balvín, P., Mrkvičková, M. |
1 | |
Factors influencing the population of crayfish in Zákolanský brook Svobodová, J. |
4 | |
Wastewater treatment in the areas of the Morava and Dyje river basins and neighboring states Juráň, S., Petránová, A. |
8 | |
Comparison of the efficiency of cleaning biological reservoirs in the vegetation and non-vegetation period Mlejnská, E. |
10 | |
Background concentrations of river sediments of the Elbe and its significant tributaries for metals and metalloids Lochovský, P. |
14 | |
Wastewater treatment processes in filter root fields Rozkošný, M. |
16 | |
Origin of the concept of surface water in Czech water law Kult, A. |
20 |
Issue 5
Title | Page | Link |
Detection of pathogenic bacteria in wastewater Baudišová, D., Benáková, A. |
1 | |
Mathematical modeling of nutrients on the Elbe Balvín, P. |
3 | |
Some sources of contamination of the aquatic environment with alkylphenol substances and bisphenol A Lochovský, P., Pospíchalová, D. |
6 | |
Bathing waters in the Member States of the European Union Grünwaldová, H. |
9 | |
Methodical instruction setting out the obligatory outline of the statement of a person with professional competence for the discharge of wastewater through soil layers into groundwater Poláková, K., Eckhardt, P. |
11 | |
Tools for evaluating the quantity and quality of water Picek, J., Vyskoč, P., Rosendorf, P., Svobodová, J. |
15 |
Issue 6
Title | Page | Link |
Natural and artificial radionuclides in river bottom sediments and flotsam in the Czech Republic in the period 2000–2010 Marešová, D., Hanslík, E., Juranová, E. |
1 | |
Use of aerial laser scanning data in water management ─ identification of transverse obstacles in the watercourse Uhlířová, K., Nováková, H. |
5 | |
Possibilities and risks of wood management in streams ─ proposal of methodology for monitoring, management and use of wood in streams Kožený, P., Balvín, P., Sucharda, M., Máčka, Z., Simon, O. |
8 | |
Monitoring of mutagenicity of water sediments in the Svratka river basin in connection with the uranium industry Badurová, J., Hudcová, H., Funková, R., Svobodová, J., Sova, J. |
11 | |
Accidental pollution and afterglow ─ study for two objects in the Odra river basin Šajer, J. |
14 | |
Can the correct concentration of drugs in water be determined? Váňa, M., Matoušová, L., Fuksa, J. K., Wanner, F. |
17 | |
Evaluation of the influence of the Dalešice – Mohelno valley reservoirs on the phytoplankton of the Jihlava River – I Sedláček, P. |
19 | |
Death of crayfish in Padrťský potok Klabava probably caused by heavy metals Svobodová, J., Fischer, D., Kozubíková, E. |
21 | |
Variability of phosphorus removal from agricultural land on the scale of micro-basins Fiala, D., Rosendorf, P. |
27 |
Issue I
Title | Page | Link |
Methods of phytobenthos evaluation for determining the ecological status of rivers in our country and in neighboring countries Marvan, P., Opatřilová, L., Fránková, M. |
1 | |
At the edge of five years of macrophyte monitoring in Czech river flows Grulich, V. |
4 | |
Evaluation of running waters in the Czech Republic according to macrozoobenthos: development and description of methodology Opatřilová, L., Kokeš, J., Syrovátka, V., Němejcová, D., Zahrádková, S. |
6 | |
Assessment of the ecological status of non-fordable streams according to macrozoobenthos: testing of the German system Němejcová, D., Opatřilová, L., Kokeš, J., Řezníčková, P. |
10 | |
Long-term development of heavy metal content in sediments of the Morava river Hudcová, H., Bernardová, I., Forbelská, M., Svobodová, J. |
12 | |
Load of the Bílina ecosystem with anthropogenic substances Kohušová, K., Havel, L., Vlasák, P. |
16 | |
Testing of possible simplification of macrozoobenthos monitoring for the purposes of municipal drainage generals Šťastná, G., Stránský, D., Kabelková, I. |
19 | |
Macrozoobenthos of epipotamous sections of the Elbe and Vltava rivers ─ a contribution to the knowledge of communities of the deep parts of the bottom Řezníčková, P., Opatřilová, L., Němejcová, D., Kokeš, J. |
23 |
Issue II
Title | Page | Link |
Waste prevention programs in practice Kořínek, R. |
1 | |
Upcoming changes in waste ecotoxicity assessment Záleská, M., Sirotková, D. |
3 | |
Results of processing an innovative data source for the identification of potentially contaminated and contaminated sites in the Czech Republic Martínková, M., Eckhardt, P. |
6 | |
Content of prohibited substances in waste from the processing of car wrecks and electrical waste Hudáková, V. |
9 | |
Ecological loads with PCBs in the Czech Republic and their impact in the Czech part of the Elbe river basin Eckhardt, P., Martínková, M., Poláková, K. |
13 | |
Environmental labeling of products I. and II. type in terms of waste prevention and recovery in the Czech Republic Kořínek, R., Kodymová, J. |
15 | |
Hájek dump ─ an old ecological burden at a crossroads Eckhardt, P. |
18 |
Issue III
Title | Page | Link |
Testing of drought and water scarcity indicators proposed by the European Commission in the pilot basin of the Czech Republic Mrkvičková, M. |
1 | |
Methodology for determining n-year flows affected by flood control measures Kašpárek, L., Hanel, M. |
6 | |
Reconstruction of the peak flow of the historic flood of May 23, 1908 on the Doubrava watercourse Beran, A. |
12 | |
Validation of precipitation and temperature generator for simulation of hydrological balance in the Chrudimka river basin Hanel, M., Kožín, R., Beran, A., Mrkvičková, M. |
14 | |
Simplification of the method of calculation of potential evapotranspiration in the new version of the BILAN model Beran, A., Horáček, S., Hanel, M. |
17 | |
Elimination of influencing the flow using an interconnected model of hydrological and water management balance Vizina, A., Hanel, M. |
20 |
Issue 1
Title | Page | Link |
T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, p.r.i., in 2009 ─ traditions and perspectives Rieder, M. |
1 | |
Relation of zoobenthos and phytobenthos communities to the morphological state of streams in the Upper Elbe river basin Forejtníková, M., Marvan, P. |
1 | |
The influence of the Pardubice-Semtín industrial area on the quality of components of the Elbe aquatic ecosystems in terms of specific organic pollutants Kužílek, V., Lochovský, P. |
5 | |
Microbial pollution of streams in the Oleška river basin and changes in connection with changes in flows Baudišová, D. |
9 | |
The issue of the quality of surface waters that are or are to become permanently suitable for the life and reproduction of native fish species Kladivová, V., Kult, A., Svobodová, J. |
11 | |
Passive point sampler of water and floats Fiala, D., Rosendorf, P. |
17 |
Issue 2
Title | Page | Link |
Possibilities of removing selected specific pollutants in WWTPs Váňa, M., Wanner, F., Matoušová, L., Fuksa, J. K. |
1 | |
Examples of bathing water profiles in EU countries Grünwaldová, H. |
3 | |
New WRI publications in the Research for Practice series Editor |
7 | |
Marie Kulovaná, a co-worker and friend, died Editor |
7 | |
Influence of ponds on water quality in the recipient Luzar, T., Nowaková, H. |
8 | |
Processes at the redox interface of waters flowing from peat bogs in the Flájský stream basin in the Ore Mountains Lochovský, P. |
11 | |
Another source of data for the identification of potentially contaminated and contaminated sites in the Czech Republic Martínková, M., Eckhardt, P. |
14 |
Issue 3
Title | Page | Link |
Possibilities of using process modeling in flood crisis management Brožek, J., Kmeč, M., Schlangerová, H. |
1 | |
Influence of the Prague agglomeration on the contamination of water and river sediments of the Vltava with alkylphenol substances and bisphenol A Lochovský, P., Pospíchalová, D. |
3 | |
Monitoring of fish in running waters of the Czech Republic in connection with the Framework Directive 2000/60/EC: fry or adult fish? Jurajda, P., Slavík, O., Adámek, Z. |
6 | |
Trend of development of nutrient and biomass concentration of phytoplankton in the Vltava-Zelčín profile Desortová, B. |
8 | |
Comparison of the efficiency of treatment of root wastewater treatment plants in the vegetation and non-vegetation period Rozkošný, M., Mlejnská, E. |
10 | |
Verification of wastewater sampling for the determination of volatile organic compounds Váňa, M., Kučera, J., Handová, V., Jokešová, M., Bindzar, J. |
13 | |
ASLAB in 2009 Editor |
16 |
Issue 4
Title | Page | Link |
Legislative protection of crayfish in the Czech Republic and other European countries Svobodová, J., Vlach, P., Fischer, D. |
1 | |
Operation of municipal water supply Hubáčková, J., Váňa, M. |
6 | |
Influence of the Dukovany nuclear power plant on the content of radioactive substances in the Jihlava River and the Dalešice and Mohelno reservoirs in the period 2001–2009 Hudcová, H., Ivanovová, D., Hanslík, E. |
9 | |
Possibilities of reducing the pollution of surface washes from roads and parking lots by infiltration Rozkošný, M., Kriška, M., Beránková, D., Svobodová, J. |
13 | |
Sokolov Chemical Plant ─ an example of a successfully remediated environmental burden Eckhardt, P. |
17 | |
List of publications published in TGM WRI, p.r.i., in recent years Editor |
19 |
Issue 5
Title | Page | Link |
Water law issues of ponds – I Kladivová, V., Kult, A. |
1 | |
Quality modeling in the river Lučina Luzar, T. |
6 | |
Influence of infiltration of pre-treated wastewater on surface water Eckhardt, P., Poláková, K. |
9 | |
Retention capacity of a small mountain basin at extreme precipitation-runoff events Pavlásek, J. |
12 | |
Influence of selected inducers on activation of rainbow trout liver enzymes Badurová, J., Soldán, P. |
14 | |
Selected hydropedological characteristics of podzols in the central area of the Šumava National Park Jačka, L., Pavlásek, J. |
17 | |
Magdeburg Seminar on Water Protection Editor |
19 |
Issue 6
Title | Page | Link |
Water law issues of ponds – II Kladivová, V., Kult, A. |
1 | |
Determination of drugs in surface and wastewater by liquid chromatography with mass detection Pospíchalová, D., Martinková, P., Jobánek, R., Váňa, M. |
4 | |
Determination of paraquat and diquat-dibromide in water by ITP-CZE method Chrastina, D. |
7 | |
Indicator of total organic carbon and its relation to wastewater control Váňa, M., Kučera, J. |
9 | |
The issue of sulfur and sulphates in the peat waters of the Flájský brook in the Ore Mountains Lochovský, P., Farský, M. |
11 | |
Release of the corrugated bed of the ground filter in-situ by application of enzymes Wanner, F., Mlejnská, E. |
15 | |
Microbial pollution of streams in agricultural areas Baudišová, D., Benáková, I. |
18 |
Issue I
Title | Page | Link |
Research and activities of the Department of Water Management and Environmental Modeling of the FŽP ČZU in Prague Editor |
1 | |
Optimization of learning parameters and neural network architecture using evolutionary algorithms Havlíček, V. |
2 | |
Short-term runoff prediction with the PONS model in selected river basins Máca, P. |
7 | |
Influence of the selection of river basin descriptors on the process of grouping river basins by the inverse clustering method Heřmanovský, M. |
10 | |
Modeling of the substation and primary terrain characteristics in the experimental catchment area of Modrava 2 Bašta, P. |
15 | |
Solution of unsteady water flow in a saturated soil zone by separating temporal and spatial variables Pavlásek, J. |
20 | |
Use of rising tests to evaluate the effect of well regeneration Pech, P. |
23 | |
Use of a mathematical model for the assessment of proposed flood control measures in meadows near Příchovice Lávičková, M., Roub, R. |
26 | |
Comparison of the chemistry of precipitation in the open area and under the treetops Kubínová, P. |
29 | |
HYDROMODE Conference 2010 Kubínová, P., Havlíček, V. |
31 |
Issue II
Title | Page | Link |
Current goals and results of applied hydrological research Novický, O. |
1 | |
Basic principles of methodology for determining N-year flows affected by flood control measures Kašpárek, L., Hanel, M. |
1 | |
Relationship between selected indicators of water quality and flow in the main inflows and outflows from the Orlík reservoir Hanslík, E., Šimek, P., Ivanovová, D. |
5 | |
Drought assessment using synthetic series in conditions affected by climate change Vizina, A., Hanel, M. |
9 | |
The most significant period of drought in the years 1956–2009 in the Czech Republic Treml, P. |
13 | |
Hydrological modeling of climate change impacts in a daily step: correction of systematic errors and incremental method Hanel, M., Vizina A. |
17 | |
Methodology for assessing the impacts of climate change and proposing adaptation measures on water resources Mrkvičková, M., Kos, Z. |
22 |
Issue 1
Title | Page | Link |
History and present of the Water Research Institute T. G. Masaryk Rieder, M. |
1 | |
Branch of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Hydrogeology Editor |
3 | |
Analysis of the sensitivity of the hydrological balance to changes in precipitation and relative humidity with increasing air temperature Kašpárek, L. |
3 | |
Hydrogeological zoning 2005 Olmer, M. |
6 | |
Lake Chabařovice ─ development of the ecosystem of controlled flooded residual pit after coal mining Vlasák, P., Havel, L., Kohušová, K. |
9 | |
Hydrological evaluation of floods in the upper Blanica Matoušek, V. |
12 | |
Influence of selected ecological burdens on the Elbe Eckhardt, P. |
17 | |
Publications of TGM WRI, p.r.i. Editor |
19 | |
In memory doc. RNDr. Václav Zajíček, CSc. Hrabánková, A. |
20 |
Issue 2
Title | Page | Link |
Branch of Applied Ecology Editor |
1 | |
Salmon and carp water pollution reduction program Kladivová, V., Svobodová, J. |
1 | |
Alkylphenols, their derivatives and bisphenol, and in surface waters and waters of effluents from waste water treatment plants Lochovský, P., Pospíchalová, D. |
3 | |
Success of natural reproduction of fish in the lower part of the river Elbe Horký, P., Kulíšková, P., Slavík, O. |
7 | |
Pharmaceuticals and wastewater treatment plants ─ disposal options and real data Svoboda, J., Fuksa, J. K. et al. |
9 | |
Level of contamination of old sedimentary sediments of the Vltava in the Prague-Podbaba shipping canal Kužílek, V. Lochovský, P. |
12 | |
Continuous float sampler of new design Simon, O., Fricová, K. |
15 | |
ASLAB – Laboratory Competence Assessment Center Editor |
18 |
Issue 3
Title | Page | Link |
Brno Branch Editor |
1 | |
Assessment of the ecological status of water bodies of the river Dyje ─ Bilateral project Dyje/Thaya Beránková, D. et al. |
2 | |
Results of a survey of the aquatic environment of decommissioned branches of the river Dyje Rozkošný, M., Heteša, J., Marvan, P. |
6 | |
Quality parameters and quantity of surface flushing from highways Beránková, D. et al. |
8 | |
Influence of manure application on fecal pollution of ponds Mlejnková, H., Horáková, K. |
11 | |
Comparison of the efficiency of a sampling device for the study of the bottom fauna of non-wading streams Opatřilová, L. et al. |
14 | |
Findings from the floods in the upper Blanica Matoušek, V. |
17 | |
Publications of TGM WRI, p.r.i. Editor |
20 |
Issue 4
Title | Page | Link |
The visit of President Václav Klaus in TGM WRI, p.r.i. Editor |
1 | |
Branch of Water Technology Editor |
1 | |
Degradation of drinking water quality during transport and accumulation Hubáčková, J., Váňa, M., Říhová Ambrožová, J., Čiháková, I. |
1 | |
The course of self-treatment of anaerobic wastewater after discharge into the recipient Váňa, M., Hamza, M., Kučera, J., Mlejnská, E. |
4 | |
Long-term experience with verifying the efficiency of treatment of domestic wastewater treatment plants according to ČSN EN 12566-3 Schönbauerová, L., Kučera, J. |
7 | |
Waste Management Center 4/9 Editor |
9 | |
New approaches to waste evaluation Kulovaná, M., Kočí, V., Vosáhlová, S. |
10 | |
Use of biodegradable waste and its legal background Matulová, D. |
13 | |
Hazardous substances in waste electrical equipment Hudáková, V. |
18 | |
Inventory of polychlorinated biphenyls in the Czech Republic Poláková, K. |
20 |
Issue 5
Title | Page | Link |
Ostrava Branch 5/1 Editor |
1 | |
Identification of anthropogenic pressures in the Czech part of the international area of the Odra river basin ─ presentation of the R&D project Soldán, P. |
2 | |
Occurrence of relevant pollutants in the Czech part of the international area of the Odra river basin Tušil, P., Šajer, J., Durčák, M., Kristová, A. |
5 | |
Influence of pesticide application on surface water quality in the Odra river basin Šajer, J. |
8 | |
Screening of selected pollutants in municipal wastewater sources of pollution in the Czech Republic Krečmerová, P., Mičaník, T. |
11 | |
Impact of pastures on the basin Badurová, J., Mojžíšková, H. |
14 | |
New approaches to waste evaluation 2 Kulovaná, M., Žiaková, K. |
16 | |
New publications of TGM WRI, p.r.i. 5/19 Editor |
19 | |
33. Congress of IAHR Bouška, P., Vizina, A. |
20 |
Issue 6
Title | Page | Link |
Reference laboratory for environmental components and waste Editor |
1 | |
Influence of wastewater from Temelín Nuclear Power Plant on tritium content in Vltava and Elbe until 2008 Ivanovová, D., Hanslík, E. |
1 | |
Determination of glyphosate and AMPA in water by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection Svobodová, A., Donátová, H. |
6 | |
Determination of microbial contamination of wastewater and surface water ─ problems and uncertainties Baudišová, D. |
9 | |
Branch of Water Protection and Informatics Editor |
11 | |
Possibilities of using laser surface scanning for water management purposes Uhlířová, K., Zbořil, A. |
11 | |
Summary evaluation of the period of validity of water law decisions according to data obtained on the basis of Decree No. 431/2001 Coll. in relation to the discharged pollution from individual sources for the Czech Republic in the period 2003–2008 Kult, A. |
15 | |
Recent contamination of river sediments Jizera metals and metalloids in comparison with the natural background Lochovský, P., Eckhardt, P. |
19 | |
Possibilities of water quality management and maintenance for recreational use in relation to landscape anthropogenic influences Beránková, D. et al. |
21 |
Issue I
Title | Page | Link |
Possible impacts of climate change on water resources Novický, O. |
1 | |
Development of a hydrological balance model – BILAN Horáček, S. et al. |
2 | |
Refinement of estimates of climate change impacts on water resources using scenarios based on simulations using the ALADIN_CLIMATE / CZ model Vizina, A., Horáček, S. |
5 | |
Influence of relative humidity on total runoff in conditions of climate change Vlnas, R. |
8 | |
On the possibilities of reconstruction, quantification of flow series Kašpárek, L. |
13 | |
Variability of insufficient volumes on Czech flows in relation to the physical and geographical characteristics of the river basin Fiala, T. |
16 | |
Study of the impacts of climate change on hydrological conditions in the Blšanka river basin and proposal of adaptation measures Kašpárek, L., Mrkvičková, M. |
19 | |
Methods for evaluating the effects of flood control measures on N-year flows Kašpárek, L. |
22 | |
Possible increase in water temperature in the Czech Republic Novický, O. et al. |
25 |
Issue 1
Title | Page | Link |
50th year of Jornal VTEI Editor |
1 | |
Synthetic musk substances in surface waters of the Czech Republic Očenášková, V., Pospíchalová, D. |
1 | |
Protection of bridge structures against their destruction due to flood events ─ preparation of physical research Bouška, P., Gabriel, P. |
2 | |
Reduction of microbial pollution by alternative methods of wastewater treatment Baudišová, D. |
4 | |
Czech-Polish cooperation in border waters Procházková, J. |
7 | |
Experience from the evaluation of stream morphology in the Czech Republic by the “Bavarian method” Forejtníková, M., Horák, P. |
9 |
Issue 2
Title | Page | Link |
The issue of establishing a mixing zone in the context of the proposal for an EC Directive on environmental quality standards and amending Directive 2000/60 / EC Mičaník, T., Kučera, J., Sýkora, F., Belda, J., Šajer, J. |
1 | |
Sewage infiltration ─ yes or no? Eckhardt, P., Kučera, J. |
3 | |
Information about the MONERIS model and the possibilities of its use Juráň, S. |
5 | |
Publication Hydraulic Research of the Děčín Barrage Doležal, S. |
7 |
Issue 3
Title | Page | Link |
Phytoplankton dynamics in the lower reaches of the Berounka and the influence of climate change Desortová, B. |
1 | |
Use of ASE and GPC methods in the analysis of persistent organic pollutants in solid samples of aquatic ecosystems Kužílek, V., Jánošíková, V., Svobodová, A. |
3 | |
Resistance of the moving bottom of a sloping riverbed during flood flows Matoušek, V. Jr. |
6 | |
Use of neural network model in flow modeling Ředinová, J. |
9 | |
Activity Testing laboratories of water management facilities Šťastný, V., Schönbauerová, L., Kučera, J. |
11 |
Issue 4
Title | Page | Link |
Exhibition EXPO´58 and Water Research Institute Editor |
1 | |
Transmission of data to river basin managers, water authorities and the Czech Environmental Inspectorate and Act No. 25/2008 Coll. Kult, A. |
1 | |
Water quality in the anthropogenically loaded stream Lužická Nisa Part 1 ─ microbiological indicators Baudišová, D., Havel, L., Benáková, A. |
5 | |
Determination of the natural background of Bílina river sediments for metals and metalloids Lochovský, P. |
8 |
Issue 5
Title | Page | Link |
The impact of revitalization on the ecological status of small watercourses Rozkošný, M. |
1 | |
Some problems of using reference substances in the summary determination of anionic surfactants (MBAS) Pitter, P. |
3 | |
Escherichia coli in Czech surface waters Baudišová, D. |
4 | |
A bathing water profile Grünwaldová, H. |
5 | |
Permit for water management under the Water Act in connection with certain provisions of the Integrated Prevention Act Kult, A. |
7 | |
List of laboratories with a Certificate of Proper Laboratory Operation ASLAB |
10 |
Issue 6
Title | Page | Link |
Influence of water quality on crayfish populations in the Czech Republic ─ comparison with Czech legislation Svobodová, J., Štambergová, M., Vlach, P., Picek, J., Douda, K., Beránková, M. |
1 | |
Joint Danube Exploration 2 ─ the largest high-flow expedition in 2007 Hudcová, H., Bernardová, I. |
5 | |
Monitoring of water quality in the Flájský brook basin in the Ore Mountains Lochovský, P. |
9 | |
Discharge of waste water into surface waters or watercourses? Kult, A. |
14 | |
Professional seminars of TGM WRI, p.r.i., in 2009 Editor |
18 | |
Magdeburg Seminar on Water Protection Kalinová, M. |
18 | |
The nineties of Professor Pavel Novák Libý, J. |
19 | |
Content of Journal VTEI – Year 2008 Editor |
20 |
Issue 1
Title | Page | Link |
How a hydraulically unsuitable riverbed causes a flood Matoušek, V. |
4 | |
Low-cost semipermeable membranes, laboratory options calibration Kupec, J. |
8 | |
Comparison of river basins affected by industry with intensively agriculturally managed river basins Novák, M. |
12 | |
Pollution of rivers is declining ─ but it is still here and evolving Fuksa, J. K., Svoboda, J. |
15 | |
Exploration of sediments in the area of the Moravice tributary to the Slezská Harta reservoir Šajer, J. |
17 |
Issue 2
Title | Page | Link |
Proposal for a revised delimitation of vulnerable areas pursuant to Government Decree No. 103/2003 Coll. Hrabánková, A., Prchalová, H., Rosendorf, P. |
1 | |
Bathing waters from the perspective of the European Union Grünwaldová, H. |
4 | |
The impact of climate change on the hydrological regime of the Jizera river basin according to regional climate scenarios Hanel, M. |
6 | |
Evaluation of measurements at the Hlasivo evaporometer station Mrkvičková, M. |
9 | |
According to experts, what strategic research is needed in the Czech and German territories of the Elbe river basin? Martínková, M. et al. |
11 | |
What did the second year of the research project “Research for waste management in the framework of environmental protection and sustainable development” bring? Hudáková, V., Kulovaná, M. |
14 |
Issue 3
Title | Page | Link |
Flows as recipients of wastewater ─ today and tomorrow Fuksa, J. K. |
1 | |
Escherichia coli in surface waters Baudišová, D. |
4 | |
Monitoring of the hydrosphere load by the uranium industry in the central part of the Svratka river basin Hudcová, H., Mlejnková, H., Mojžíšková, H., Žáková, Z. |
6 | |
Bathing waters in the Czech Republic evaluated according to Directive 76/160/EEC Grünwaldová, H. |
9 | |
Degradation of drinking water quality during its accumulation Hubáčková, J., Říhová Ambrožová, J., Čiháková, I. |
12 | |
Annual course of several water quality indicators Nesměrák, I. |
14 | |
The conflict between boating and nature conservation? Simon, O. et al. |
15 | |
Possible uncertainty in risk categorization in the Contaminated Sites Registration System Martínková, M. |
18 |
Issue 1
Title | Page | Link |
What changes await the T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute Petružela, L. |
1 | |
Research plan “Water” after the first year of solution Fuksa, J. K. |
2 | |
Research project “Research for waste management in the framework of environmental protection and sustainable development” Kulovaná, M. |
4 | |
Influence of wastewater from Temelín NPP on tritium content in Vltava and Elbe Hanslík, E., Ivanovová, D., Šimonek P. |
6 | |
Comparison of the explanatory power of phytobenthos and zoobenthos on the quality of running water Forejtníková, M., Heteša, J., Marvan, P. |
9 | |
Content of Journal VTEI – Year 2005 Editor |
12 | |
New computational possibilities and environmental modeling Blažková, Š., Salinger, P. |
13 | |
Water balance and framework directive for EU water policy Zeman, V. |
15 | |
Additions in the TGM WRI Heiclová, A. |
17 | |
Problems of surface flushes flowing from the highway network Beránková, D., Brtníková, H., Kupec, J., Huzlík, J., Jandová, V. |
18 | |
TGM WRI publication ─ Quality of raw waters and their processability in waterworks in the Czech Republic Editor |
20 |
Issue 2
Title | Page | Link |
Determination of chlorides by microcoulometric titration Sikora, E. |
1 | |
Comparison of the load of organic pollutants in the Odra and Moravice rivers by passive sampling using semipermeable membranes Šajer, J. |
3 | |
Oprámy of Kaznějov ─ an example of an unresolved ecological burden Eckhardt, P. |
5 | |
What research is needed in the Elbe basin? Results of a questionnaire survey on the main problems of water management and the necessary research in the Elbe river basin in the Czech Republic (projekt NeWater) Martínková, M., Blažková, Š., Hesse, C., Krysanova, V., Košková, R. |
7 | |
Salmon and carp waters Kladivová, V., Svobodová, J. |
10 | |
Sources of financing water protection projects (WWTP, sewerage) Grünwaldová, H. |
12 | |
Publication TGM WRI – Hydroecological Study of the Jizera River Catchment and the Jizera Mountains z lektorského posudku prof. Ing. J. Zezuláka, DrSc. |
16 |
Issue 3
Title | Page | Link |
Proposal of a methodology for determining flood risks and damage in a floodplain Drbal, K. |
1 | |
Publication TGM WRI, p.r.i. – Use of juvenile fish in the monitoring of contamination of the aquatic environment with foreign substances Editor |
5 | |
Project Morava IV. Information on the focus, goals, division, solution and partial results of the R&D project in 2005 Šunka, Z. et al. |
6 | |
Evaluation of the occurrence of pesticides in surface waters of the Morava river basin Beránková, D., Forejtníková, M., Vejvodová, J. |
8 | |
Monitoring of wetlands in the lower Podyjí area within the Moravia Project Rozkošný, M., Heteša, J., Marvan, P. |
10 | |
Winter operation of biological tanks Felberová, L. |
13 | |
HEIS WRI in 2006 Picek, J. |
14 | |
Monitoring of hazardous components in selected wastes. Evaluation of composition and properties of waste Hudáková, V., Kulovaná, M., Koch, K., Kočí, V., Vosáhlová, S. |
17 | |
Conference “DRINKING WATER 2006” Hubáčková, J. |
20 |
Issue 1
Title | Page | Link |
T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute ─ looking back on 2004 Petružela, L. |
1 | |
Influence of low flows on phytoplankton biomass in watercourses Desortová, B. |
2 | |