From the world of water management

Interview with Ing. Zbyněk Folk, General Manager of The Ohře River Basin, State-Owned Company

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. Generálním ředitelem státního podniku Povodí Ohře jste se stal v květnu 2019. Po vašem nástupu do funkce v něm došlo k řadě změn. Které z nich byste označil za největší a jaké cíle si kladete do dalších let? Státní podnik Povodí Ohře… Read more »

The journal’s stolen digital identity – another risk for academics

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. Stejně jako mnoha jiným publikujícím autorům se i v mé e-mailové schránce pravidelně objevuje nabídka uveřejnit článek ve všech možných vědeckých časopisech. Většina těchto zpráv skončí ve spamu, ale i ten si pravidelně kontroluji. A přiznávám, že ze zvědavosti sleduji, jaké… Read more »

BÍLINA – The story of the purple river

Ibra Ibrahimovič (1967) has been photographing his black-and-white series ”Střepy severních Čech” (Pieces of Northern Bohemia) since the early 1990s. He became known to the public as a photographer of the struggle to save the village of Libkovice in 1993, and later in 2003 with an award-winning series about farmer Rajter. With the support of… Read more »


”SMART WATER” is a project funded from the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms as part of the REINE programme, running from 2nd August 2021 to 30th June 2022. The project is coordinated by the non-profit research and training centre METCENAS, o. p. s., its partner being the organisation AVAS, s. r. o., which is responsible for the… Read more »

Interview with Ing. Bc. Anna Hubáčková, Minister of the Environment

Minister, I have a question for you to start with. What was Anna Hubáčková like as a little girl? Good grades, a diligent student, or bruised knees and occasional disobedience? What a question! So – good grades, a diligent student, and occasional naughtiness and a bruised knee. After secondary school, you joined the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Brno University of Technology,… Read more »

Investigation of hyporheic biofilms of the Vltava river in Šumava national park with regard to juvenile rearl mussels, their feeding requirements and sufficient oxygen saturation of interstitial water

The research on biofilms has been ongoing within the project “Strengthening and protection of the pearl mussel population in Šumava NP” since 2018, when suitable research methods and procedures for studying the development of biofilms on hyporheic sediments (e.g. incubation of glass beads versus incubation of river sediment, granulometric survey of bottom sediments) were sought and tested, and the most suitable locations for the placement of experimental facilities were selected.

Study of the effectiveness of the small municipal sourcess sewage sludge extensive stabilization for their use as a fertilizer

The article is devoted to the presentation of partial results of a study aimed at determining the potential use of extensive sludge dewatering technology for small municipal WWTPs (up to 1000 PE) in the conditions of the Czech Republic. The study has shown that the use of technology based on extensive sludge dewatering and their stabilization in sludge dewatering reed beds with suitable wetland vegetation can be an alternative to other technologies. Especially in combination with constructed wetland (CW) based WWTPs, which are characterized by lower sludge production.

Water quality and state of aquatic invertebrate populations in small watercourses in Prague

The aim of this paper has been to evaluate the ecological status of small watercourses in the capital city of Prague by analogy to the evaluation of water bodies pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC. A total of eight sites were selected at seven watercourses (Šárecký, Dalejský, Radotínský, Libušský, Kunratický, Botič and Rokytka Streams). Both sections that are semi-natural and those that have been restored in various ways were selected. From May 2017 onwards, annual sampling of chemical indicators took place in selected sites and a standard multihabitat method was used to take samples of aquatic invertebrates (macrozoobenthos).

Interview with Mrs. Heide Jekel, President of the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe

The day you receive this issue of VTEI magazine, it rarely coincides with the date of the Magdeburg Seminar, organized by the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe (ICPOL). We therefore take this opportunity to bring you a brief interview with the current President of this Commission, Mrs. Heide Jekel. You can find her biographical profile under the interview.

Mini-JET device as a tool for determination of soil erodibility characteristics

The article describes a method for determining the erodibility of incohesive agricultural soils by means of the critical shear stress measuring. The “Jet Erosion Test” (JET) was used to determine the critical shear stress. The mea-
surement was performed using a modified Mini-JET device. The device is very suitable for field measurements, because it is small, light, requires a relatively small amount of water, and can be operated by single person. The principle of measuring the critical shear stress of the soil is based on monitoring the rate of erosion crater formation by the action of a water jet of known kinetic energy. Based on the erosion crater development, the erosion parameters of the soil, such as the critical shear stress and the erodibility coefficient, can be calculated.

A retrospective view of the Šumperk water supply system up to the 1960s

The article focuses on the water industry sector. It deals with the development of drinking water supply in Šumperk town from the Middle Ages to the 1960s. According to the water supply network development, the text is structured into individual chapters, focusing on the interesting period of the late 19th century, when a municipal water plant was established. The water plant was also the first company managed by the city council at its establishment. It was an excellent good practice example for similar towns in the Czech lands, both technologically and operationally. Subsequent chapters focus on expanding the water supply network, reservoirs, and intake areas, which had to be sized for the increasing water consumption associated with the city‘s dynamic development in the late 19th and first half of the 20th century. The final chapter summarises the development of the municipal waterworks project from 1945 until the year when the town of Šumperk was connected to the water intake sources from the Kouty-Šumperk group water supply system. The paper is an inspiring retrospective look into the history of the municipal water supply. It can also be a helpful comparison with the current state, building possibilities and limits of the water supply infrastructure.

Municipal waste management in the light of new regulations

Modern municipal services in solid waste management usually include cleaning and cleaning of public spaces, collection, transport, recycling and disposal of generated waste. Solid waste management services are among the most expensive and complicated municipal work systems for the public. At the same time, it can also be the least awarded communal service. Water, electricity, firefighting and police protection meet the daily needs of residents and businesses fundamentally and immediately. Therefore these services are given a much higher priority by the community and its leadership. Waste management services are usually one of the most minor „fragrant“ public services, but their flawless functionality and efficiency have far-reaching implications.

Drought in the Upper Metuje Basin in 2014–2019

In the years 2014–2019, there was a historic drought in the Czech Republic. The Department of Hydrology and Hydrogeology of the T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute has been carrying out long-term hydrological and hydrogeological observations in the upper Metuje basin where this drought manifested itself significantly. The upper part of the catchment area of the Metuje River is located in the Police Cretaceous basin geological formation.

The alternative detemination of R-factor (Rainfall erosivity factor) in the Husí Creek catchment

Hodnocení erozní účinnosti deště je v současnosti těžištěm výzkumu v oblasti stanovení erozního ohrožení půdy. V rámci empirického modelování pomocí modelů rodiny USLE (the Universal Soil Loss Equation) je erozní účinnost deště reprezentována tzv. R faktorem, jehož hodnotu lze stanovit řadou doporučených postupů. Tento článek představuje možné alternativní způsoby určení hodnoty R faktoru na základě ročních a měsíčních sum srážkových úhrnů.

Quantification of rill erosion using contactless methods

S překotným vývojem v oblasti geoinformačních a komunikačních technologií se objevují nové možnosti mapování a kvantifikace erozních procesů způsobených přívalovými srážkami. Pro získání relevantních výsledků je důležitá kvalita, hustota a rozsah vstupních dat. Rychlý a poměrně levný sběr přesných geodat umožňují bezpilotní letecké prostředky (UAV – z anglického Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). S využitím metod digitální fotogrammetrie je možné z pořízených leteckých snímků rekonstruovat morfologii terénu odpovídající času měření.

Preservation of drinking water demand from water reservoirs in climate change conditions

This study presents interim results of an evaluation of a potential climate change impact on the preservation of drinking water demand provided by water reservoirs in the timeframe of the year 2050. Hydrological and water sources and demands balance procedures have been applied, including modelling of the storage ability of water resources and water supply systems.

Sensitivity analysis of selected input parameters of the numerical model HEC-RAS in and floodplain flow calculations

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author.   Souhrn Hydraulické výpočty proudění vody v korytech vodních toků a záplavových územích se v současné inženýrské praxi provádějí primárně s použitím 1D, 2D a spřažených 1D/2D numerických modelů. Matematický model je v případě zmiňované 2D schematizace… Read more »

Monitoring of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater – what the monitoring has shown us so far and where it is headed

Since April 2020, the presence of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater has been monitored at TGM WRI, p.r.i. The method of detection is similar to that of clinical samples, ie the presence of a specific fragment of viral RNA is detected by PCR.

VTEI and use of unique digital identifiers

The VTEI Journal is a scientific and technical journal in the field of water management and related fields. This year, it introduced the use of two international identifiers that increase the “visibility” of published articles and their authors. These identifiers are the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID).

Using modern analytical methods for risk management and the creation of territorial strategies

Social-economic and safety risks in area are one of the main topics in these days, which in the long term affect the stability of local societies. For identification of these risks, we can use modern technology of data collection based on the analysis of illicit substances in city wastewater, as the cities are a high-risk areas from the social perspective in the Czech Republic.

Zemřel Ing. Pavel Horák, CSc.

Dvacátého čtvrtého listopadu, na sklonku minulého roku, zemřel Ing. Pavel Horák, CSc., který pracoval v našem výzkumném ústavu na brněnské pobočce téměř čtyřicet let.