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Assessment of responsible water management in industrial enterprises

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. Nebývalé množství srážek, které se v České republice vyskytly v první polovině letošního roku, dávají alespoň laické veřejnosti zapomenout na problémy se suchem a nedostatkem vody z předchozích let. I přesto zůstává sucho problémem, na který je zapotřebí se připravit. V odborné literatuře… Read more »

The Ponds Conference

The Ponds Conference is traditionally held in June and is organized as a two-day event with evening informal sitting planned for the first evening. The first day focuses on the overall issue of ponds and provides a wide range of views on these important landscape features.

Interview with the hydrobiologist RNDr. Jindřich Duras, Ph.D.

Interview with the hydrobiologist RNDr. Jindřich Duras, Ph.D., Chairman of the Czech Phosphor Platform, s., Member of the Committee of the Czech Limnological Society.

Policy of Protection from impacts of drought and water scarcity in the Czech Republic – consultation and processing

In the context of a severe drought period, which has started in 2014, an inter-ministerial commission WATER-DROUGHT was established to prepare a strategic policy document on protection from impacts of drought and water scarcity in the Czech Republic.

Pond systems in selected regions

Ponds are an important and organic part of the landscape in the Czech Republic through ages. They are spread over most of the area of the republic and have different functions besides the one which is historically the most important – fish farming.