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Investigation of hyporheic biofilms of the Vltava river in Šumava national park with regard to juvenile rearl mussels, their feeding requirements and sufficient oxygen saturation of interstitial water

The research on biofilms has been ongoing within the project “Strengthening and protection of the pearl mussel population in Šumava NP” since 2018, when suitable research methods and procedures for studying the development of biofilms on hyporheic sediments (e.g. incubation of glass beads versus incubation of river sediment, granulometric survey of bottom sediments) were sought and tested, and the most suitable locations for the placement of experimental facilities were selected.

Discussion forum Water management in the countryside

Dne 28. března 2019 uspořádaly na Novotného lávce v Praze společně Česká vědeckotechnická vodohospodářská společnost a Česká limnologická společnost diskusní fórum, jehož tématem bylo „Hospodaření s vodou v krajině“.