List of articles from – 2/2017

Radiological methods in the hydrosphere 17

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. Dne 3. a 4. května 2017 se bude konat konference Radiologické metody v hydrosféře 17 v hotelu Zlatá hvězda v Litomyšli. Konference se budeme zabývat změnami v legislativě: nový atomový zákon č. 263/2016 Sb., vyhláška č. 360/2016 Sb., vyhláška… Read more »

Surface water body typology category river in the 1st and 2nd cycle of River Basin Management Plans and its consequence to ecological status assessment

Surface water body delineation and setting a typology are one of the initial steps during Water Framework Directive implementation (WFD) [1]. The first delineation and typology was prepared in 2004–2005 for the first plans, but all the results were significantly changed in the second cycle 2009–2010.