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Events of the Czech Scientific and Technical Water Management Society in 2020

An overview and information on professional events organized by Czech Scientific and Technical Water Management Society in 2020 brings this article.

Minutes of the general meeting of ČVTVHS, z. s.

On May 24, 2018 took place on Novotného lávka in Prague General Meeting of ČVTVHS, z. s.

Czech Scientific and Technical Society in 2017

In 2017, standard business continued, the company’s committee met ten times, the members of the audit committee always attended the meeting. The General Assembly was held on Nov. 24 on Novotny’s footbridge and was not elected. There were thirteen professional events planned in 2017.

Czech Scientific and Technical Water Management Company in 2018

Regarding professional events in 2018, we may be at the moment cite several projects that will be refined over time (names, respectively orientation) and undoubtedly complement the other.

Diploma of Academician Theodor Ježdík

In 1980, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Academician Theodor Ježdík, the then Czech Central Committee of the Water Management Society of ČSVTS, announced at the instigation of prof. Ing. Dr. L. Votruba, DrSc., Diploma of Academician Theodor Ježdík as a prize for key works in the field of theory, research, development, preparation, construction and operation of water management works and equipment.

Minutes of the general meeting ČVTVHS, z. s.

On 24 May 2016 there was a meeting of the general meeting ČVTVHS, z. s., on Novotného lávka.

Events of the Czech scientific and technical water management company

In 2016, the standard activity continued when the committee of company met ten times, including one at the exit meeting.

ČVTVHS in 2016

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. Pokud jde o odborné akce v roce 2016, lze v této chvíli uvést několik záměrů, které se časem budou zpřesňovat a nepochybně i doplňovat dalšími: Jako formální spolupořadatel se budeme podílet na konferenci Voda 2016, kterou uspořádá dne 17…. Read more »

Minutes of the general meeting ČVTVHS, z. s.

On 25 May 2016 there was a meeting of the general meeting ČVTVHS, z. s., on Novotného lávka.

ČVTVHS in 2015

The year 2015 was very challenging from an organizational point of view – the General Meeting held in May 2015 under the new statutes adopted a year earlier based on the new Civil Code.

Professional events in 2015

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. Přinášíme Vám přehled odborných akcí z oboru vodního hospodářství konaných v roce 2015 a také poslední akce konané v tomto roce, na které se můžete ještě zaregistrovat. Organizační garance většiny dále uvedených odborných akcí náleží Ing. Václavu… Read more »

The events of the Czech scientific water management company

On 13. May 2015 there was a meeting of the General Meeting Czech scientific water management company. The record of the General Meeting is shown below.