List of articles from – 6/2022

Presentation of some of the results of a research project mapping the development of the construction of elevated water tanks in the Czech Republic

This paper presents a summary of some of the results of the research project, “Water towers – identification, documentation, presentation, new utilization”, (DG18P02OVV010), which has been implemented since 2018 as part of the Programme for the Support of applied Research and Development of  National and Cultural Identity for 2016–2022 (NAKI II) of  the Ministry of  Culture of the Czech Republic. In terms of content, it follows on from articles from previous years published in this periodical, but clarifies and supplements the issues of technical terminology and typology established at its inception based 
on the knowledge gained during the project. Furthermore, it presents general results of the records of the structures of elevated water tanks and focuses on a brief description of the historical development of these structures in our territory. 

Irrigation – rediscovered heritage, its documentation, popularisation and protection based on the example of historical meadow irrigation systems

Objekty závlah byly budovány a fungují převážně jako součást většího nebo menšího funkčního celku. Jejich význam i z pohledu potenciální pa-mátkové ochrany tak roste s identifikací a dokumentací nejen solitérních staveb, ale zejména celých soustav/funkčních celků a popisem vazeb mezi nimi. Samostatný objekt či stavba nemusejí být nijak výjimečné, avšak jejich zapojení do většího funkčního celku může vytvářet unikátně pojaté řešení. V oboru vodního hospodářství se obzvlášť projevuje důležitost a význam kritérií, jako je hodnota typologická, hodnota technologického toku, autenticita formy a funkce, hodnota technologických a systémových vazeb s přesahem do zemědělství či průmyslu. Článek přináší informace o možnostech využití tradičních metod historického a archivního výzkumu a dokumentace lokalit, jakož i o využití moderních nástrojů pro plošně rozsáhlejší systémy, včetně metod digitalizace a digitálního zpracování podkladů.

On the issue of authenticity of water management structures

Authenticity, in the sense of credibility or truthfulness, is one of the key categories in heritage management. This paper focuses on the question of authenticity in relation to industrial heritage, specifically water management structures. In the case of these structures, emphasis is usually placed on authenticity of function, but two further types of authenticity are equally important: authenticity of material substance or form (in relation to the original design and the structure built on its basis), and authenticity as a consequence of historical evolution. The paper presents an analysis of four model examples of water management structures that are either legally protected heritage sites or have been proposed as candidates for legal protection. The analysis of their heritage values provides insights into the individual categories of authenticity and enables the formulation of principles for managing sites of heritage value.

Fish stocks of water elements in heritage protected complexes

The aim of this article is to present the results and conclusions of research which focused on recommending an appropriate approach for the creation and maintenance of fish stocks in various types of water elements, from small ornamental pools to formal water elements and large close-to-nature fish ponds. These elements form part of cultural monument complexes and heritage protected settlements (especially historic gardens and chateau parks, religious complexes, village and urban heritage reserves). Detailed results are described of a twoyear investigation of various types of water elements located in Kroměříž gardens, Červené Poříčí Chateau, and the former monastery in Osek, near Teplice, as examples of cultural monuments and their water elements. Issues of possible management of fish stocks, modifications of the aquatic environment to ensure stable conditions for fish farming, and the reduction of negative interaction of pollution and excessive or inappropriately chosen fish stocks and aesthetic perception of water elements are discussed. The results of the field investigations have shown an unsatisfactory state of virtually all locations due to water eutrophication, overgrowth of vegetation in some water elements, unregulated interventions in fish stocks, and uncontrolled fishing resulting in the reduction of predatory species population and the occurrence of invasive species. At the same time, a relatively low awareness of the possibilities of regulating fish stocks and of the principles of sustainable maintenance have been found.

The construction of large hydraulic structures in the context of ideas and ideologies

This paper deals with some aspects of the relationship between man and water demonstrated via the example of large hydraulic structures constructed in the Czech lands. Based on this relationship, principles of the practical functioning of ideas and ideologies, including religion, can be presented. It is not just about “pagan” cults, aiming directly at worshipping water as a living being. Christianity also significantly influenced the framework in which water management operated across the centuries and, at the same time, new ideas associated with the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution during the 18th and 19th centuries. A key part of the paper is focused on the topic of the construction of large hydraulic structures in the 20th century, which was particularly intensive in its second half. It also mentions political, ideological, and natural changes which were, at the beginning of the 21st century, reflected in man’s relationship with water resources and the possibilities of influencing them.

Interview with Ing. arch. Eva Dvořáková and Ing. arch. Tereza Bartošíková, Ph.D., about protection of technical and industrial cultural heritage in the Czech and Slovak Republik

As part of the December issue of VTEI, which is entirely devoted to the topic of technical and industrial cultural heritage and the “Programme of applied research and development of national and cultural identity (NAKI II)” of the Ministry of Culture, we asked for an interview with two specialists in this field, Ing. arch. Eva Dvořáková from the National Heritage Institute (Národní památkový ústav, NPÚ) and Ing. arch. Tereza Bartošíková, Ph.D., from the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic (Pamiatkový úrad Slovenskej republiky, PÚ SR).

Use and popularisation of historical and current water management sources of information for the development of an environmentally friendly society

Since time immemorial, research in all scientific fields has brought countless new information and broadened the spectrum of current knowledge. In the past, research was made more difficult by the then possibilities of disseminating newly acquired knowledge. Many scientists in the world have asked
the same questions, proposed and tested similar hypotheses, obtained similar scientific results, and reached their own unique conclusions. The problem was the very limited possibility of sharing this new information, thus the possibility of their mutual use and very often their preservation and availability to
future generations. It is safe to say that in the history of science, a huge amount of knowledge and information was discovered that was not used enough, was discovered repeatedly, or was completely lost.

Banská Štiavnica water management system – an important UNESCO technical monument

From the 16th to the 19th century, a unique water management system was created in Banská Štiavnica and its vicinity, which served the local mines. The water management system consisted of water channels – collecting ditches, which concentrated surface water from Štiavnické vrchy (Štiavnica mountains) and brought it to the mining water reservoirs (tajchy). Tajchy are water reservoirs that were built to accumulate surface water from the collecting ditches. Water from the tajchy was discharged into water canals – transporting ditches that brought water to the shafts. Here, the water was piped into the depths of the mine, where the obtained water energy powered pumping machines that pumped groundwater out of the flooded mines. Once the groundwater was drained, the miners could continue extracting gold and silver. Water-powered processing facilities also operated in Banská Štiavnica and its vicinity, which processed the extracted
ore from the mines. For centuries, the Banská Štiavnica water management system set in motion more than a hundred water-powered devices. The system consisted of about 60 tajchy, 170 km of ditches, and 15 water tunnels.