List of articles from – 5/2017

Possibilities of extrapolation of digital terrain model raster DMR 5G

Airborne laser imaging (LiDAR) has been carried out throughout the Czech Republic, enabling the creation of raster of digital model of terrain. This material is widely used in various fields. From the point of view of hydrology demands, however, the shortcoming of this technology resides in the absence of accurate/complete channel topography due to the absorption of the near-infrared laser beams by water.

Interview with Ing. Jiří Hůlka, Deputy of the National Radiation Protection Institute, p.r.i., in the field of research and development

Interview with deputy research and development Ing. Jiří Hůlka of the National Radiation Protection Institute, which is a public research institution since 2011, when it was established by the decision of the chairman of the State Office for Nuclear Safety. The interview deals with radiation protection and public research institutions and their issues.

Water sampling specialist and requirements for his professional competence

Testing laboratory is responsible for the sampling for the purposes of the Water Act, the Water Supply and Sewerage Act and the Public Health Protection Act. Requirements for the qualification and further training of samplers are defined by the laboratory in its controlled documentation, while in the case of water sampling; the new minimum requirements are set in the standard ČSN EN ISO 5667-14.

Diploma of Academician Theodor Ježdík

In 1980, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Academician Theodor Ježdík, the then Czech Central Committee of the Water Management Society of ČSVTS, announced at the instigation of prof. Ing. Dr. L. Votruba, DrSc., Diploma of Academician Theodor Ježdík as a prize for key works in the field of theory, research, development, preparation, construction and operation of water management works and equipment.

Kolmatace umělých mokřadů

Kolmatace je zcela přirozeným jevem, ale v umělých mokřadech využívaných k čištění a dočišťování odpadních vod je jevem nežádoucím. Proto je nutné při návrhu a provozování umělých mokřadů dodržovat zásady, které mohou vznik a rozvoj kolmatace významně omezit.