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Potential of the nature-friendly measures application for water retention in the landscape and improvement of the ecological status of water bodies

An analysis and assessment of the nature-friendly measures potential for water retention in the landscape were carried out as a part of the work on the concept of protection against drought impacts in the Czech Republic.

Analysis of changes in runoff for Czech Republic

One part of the project “Strategy for protection against negative impacts of floods and erosion phenomena by nature­friendly measures in the Czech Republic“ was assessment of actual runoff conditions in the Czech Republic by runoff curve number method.

Floods and drought in flooded villages in southern Moravia, how the chronicles, photos and stories captured them

In the period 2013-2016 was solved the project program NAKI Ministry of Culture called “Flooded cultural and natural heritage of South Moravia” by the team of experts from various fields that straddle the TGM WRI, p. r. i.